For every Pi Network participant, you need to know that, people won’t join your network unless you give them a reason to, and here’s how to get more active pioneers to join your network (the right way)
I’m sending you 1 Pi and here’s my link” doesn’t really do the job, because they don’t even know what one Pi is yet. (If you tried, you already know this).
As a former marketer I can tell you there’s only one way to get more referrals who will stay and keep mining: you need to EDUCATE the people you’re talking to by tapping into their MOTIVATION so they WANT to join.
The first time I shared an educational post related to Pi Network on my private FB profile (~600 friends) I got 22 new referrals. 4 months later, 18 of them mine every day. The first experiment worked, so I continued, with similar conversions. More recently, I decided to take it a level up and created an educational video to reach a broader audience (you might have seen it here with the #PiArt hashtag).
So, what makes people WANT to join, i.e. what is it that you can share (via the internet or direct conversations)?
There are different motivations so you can experiment with different approaches:
Many people would like to get into cryptocurrencies but are finding it too complicated and don’t know where to start. To get their interest, talk about how simple it is to mine Pi.
For people interested in environmental issues a good motivator is that, while mining Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies requires enormous resources and their environmental impact has been researched and documented, mining Pi requires almost no such resources and is therefore environment-friendly.
For the left-ish-oriented people, it’s the inclusiveness of Pi. So you can for example compare Bitcoin, where 80% of all coins is in the hands of 2% and you need serious servers to mine it and serious money to buy some, to Pi, where it’s restricted to one account per person and “everyone gets to get their piece of the pie”.
With these 3 ideas you have enough to start experimenting, but in case you need more there’s a huge topic in the app chat: General (English) > Topics > What was the main reason you became a Pioneer.
So basically, instead of spamming everyone with that “here’s 1 Pi now join my network” message, share the tidbits related to Pi Network that could help people understand something about it they didn’t know before.
The trick is to get them interested, not to chase them to join, you want them in for the long haul and this is how you do it.
Article Shared By #Jelena Radovanovic